Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011


Characterizing the Suratic process or the IIE Process
1the will and command of Allah;
2the guidance or Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad;
3the guidance of the learned ones in accordance with 1 and 2;
4enlightened discourses within and across communities(thus systems);
5derivation of consepts followed by depelopment of ways and means ,that is,instrument,policies and program to institutionalize the unity of knowledge into the issuesand problems of word – systems;
6continued evolution of the experience of unty of knowledge through the relationalsequences 1 – 5 with respect to relational world – systems;
7the closure of 1 – 6 with the ultimate accumulation of knowledge which occurs in the akhira . This complete passage closes the universe in its very large scale through the function of the microscopic world – systems cumulatively describing the intire world – systems.
1,2, is called Tauhidy process or Tauhidy Epistemology or Stock of Knowledge, ;
3is called Unification Epistemologior Knowledge flowor the syimbol ( ),given the attribute A=( Justice,Purpose,Certainty,Felicity,Recreation )
4,, is called Interactions, are shown to form the essence of consultation (shura,ijtihad)
5 . is called Integration, the essence of consensus (ijma,qiyas).
7 is called social well- being ,evaluation output of process (1) – (6) on specific issues
Divine Attribut : A
The Complexity of the knowledge variables :
Evaluated by simulation exercises over values,
Called the Well-Being Function, W
The above chain relation is now extended to the form:
Subject to structural set of circular causation between the
- variables estimating and changing their unifying
Interralations by computer-assisted methods.
The Final delineation of the IIE – processes in view of the E-O-O-E parts of the TSR is this :
Epistemology (E) Ontology (O) Ontic (O) Evolutionary (E)
Process ExogeneityProcess Base Endogeneity by
Evaluation Continuity
I, Iand Efield

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